Energy-saving house developer E-Soltec enters New Zealand and Australia.
E-Soltec (CEO Song Jong-woon) announced on the 10th that it has recently secured two distributors and assembly plants in New Zealand and Australia to export energy-saving self-contained houses with excellent efficiency and safety performance.
E-Soltec has designated it as the only foreign company that meets the New Zealand building code 'multi-prof'. It is pursuing registration with the Auckland Council (City Hall) after producing a model for building permits in New Zealand. It plans to contribute to solving the housing problem in New Zealand, which has been on the rise recently. In addition, it plans to gradually increase its share of the housing market from small to medium and large by developing horizontal and vertical expansion models.
E-Soltec introduced an energy-saving self-reliant steel house that can be fully assembled within 10 days by applying 900 parts developed by itself. If a separate option is selected, it can be used for various purposes such as leisure and second houses in addition to residential purposes.
CEO Song Jong-woon said, "The energy-saving self-reliant house has been selected as an excellent procurement product in Korea and is receiving favorable reviews," adding, "We will lead the safe and pleasant module house market.".
Gwangju = Reporter Kim Han-sik