

[Green Technology Sprout Company] <3> E-Soltec "Eco-friendly houses are moving around"

No5 Date2015.09.13 CategoryE-Soltec sourceElectronic Newspaper

With camping and weekend farms gaining popularity, interest in simple residential facilities that can be easily installed is also increasing. Among retirees, the number of cases of building prefabricated country houses has also increased significantly. E-Soltec(CEO Song Jong-un) has started targeting such demand with container houses.

이E-Soltec energy-efficient eco-friendly container house 'Reservation House'
E-Soltec energy-efficient eco-friendly container house 'Reservation House'

When it comes to container houses, it is easy to think of a hard look that is hard to find in terms of design elements and loose durability. The image is far from a weekend farm accommodation or a country house. However, E-Soltec "leisure house" has broken the existing image of container houses with three beats of convenience, design, energy efficiency, and eco-friendliness.

Container houses that are vulnerable to durability due to oxidation corrosion, etc., can be used at any time of four seasons by dramatically improving the problem of wooden houses that cannot be moved again once installed. It solved the problem of cooling and heating degradation caused by the heat bridge phenomenon in summer and winter, and increased energy efficiency with insulation and condensation prevention technology.

The company has developed and applied its own torsion prevention technology, which does not need to fit the door despite frequent movements, and only eco-friendly materials are used indoors for the sake of users' health. It also passed the indoor building quality test (VOCs) test by the Ministry of Environment. Consumers can choose the size they want through a modular method, and combine single-layer and multi-layer materials.

In July, it was designated as an excellent procurement product in the 'Energy-saving Container House' section of the Public Procurement Service in recognition of its energy efficiency and excellence.

After selecting excellent procurement products, the company has been carrying out various marketing activities. It continues to reinforce its product line from individual consumers of entry-level weekend farms that are easy to get permission to small industrial houses that require construction permits. Starting next year, the company will also produce anchored trailer models for camping sites. The camping model is expected to be popular not only in Korea but also in the U.S. and Western Europe as it has superior technology and price competitiveness compared to the existing European high-end products.

Recently, it is also trying to converge with renewable energy such as solar power and energy storage devices. The goal is to create a container house that can use power anywhere without separate power.

Song Jong-woon, CEO of E-Soltec, said, "We are looking forward to business growth with the selection of excellent procurement products," adding, "We will lead new trends in camping and rural culture through leisure houses and pioneer overseas markets.".

E-Soltec Leisure House will be held on October 8 at the "2015 Green Technology Conference & Technology Briefing" co-hosted by the Seoul Business Agency (SBA), the Green Technology Center (GTC), and the electronic newspaper.

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